Sunday, April 29, 2012

Kiwi Cakes

Preparation time:
40 minutes (low complexity)

5 mini-cakes:
300 g lean cheese
200 grams of biscuits of various sorts (without filling)
80 g butter
4 eggs
2 envelopes gelatin
100 g sugar
100 g powdered sugar
a tablespoon of cocoa
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
6 kiwi or more

A creamy dessert, cool and fresh.

First of all, arming yourself with three plastic bottles of 2 L. Tai of them, with a sharp knife, five forms as equal to approx. 9 inches wide, the walls become "detached" of each cake. Each type of plastic you put in a plate and press the bottom of each plate with a spoonful of mixture composition resulting cocoa and cookies with melted butter (in a bain-marie). Chicken dishes in the fridge and you're into cream.

Foam beating egg whites with granulated sugar. In a saucepan put the egg yolks bain-marie mix with powdered sugar and the vanilla, not too much not to curdle the yolks. Add cheese and whipped egg whites, gelatin prepared by instructions (but with very little water), mix well and pour over the biscuit. Leave in refrigerator several hours before serving dessert.

When it's serving time, cut with scissors "ring" around the cake and plastic separates it carefully. If gelatin is paternal, the plastic will go smoothly, simply pull gently.

Three kiwi in half your veins and use five of them as a principal ornament. The rest of your fruit slices and decorate them as you please. You can serve with whipped cream and sliced ​​kiwi fruit separately for those who want a supplement. Bon appetite!